Errata for Eduweb pages

Just BASIC compatibility

Some programs may fail because of the restricted command set of JB. This is the case for one of the PI programs, 'pi c.bas'. Version that will run on JB is here.

 ' PI c  Best algorithm I know to calculate multi-precision PI
 ' Uses the ATN( a +b) expansion

 ' Result is in clipboard at end ready to paste where you wish

 ' Based on an Apple (the original!) program from 'Kilobaud' mag
 ' Assembles long, high precision numbers from 5-digit fragments.

  blocklength     =   5
  H               =  10^blocklength
  numberofdp      =1500
  B               =numberofdp /blocklength +2
  term            =1.66 *numberofdp

  DIM product(  B)
  DIM term(     B)
  DIM quotient( B)

  term(    B -1) =H /2
  product( B -1) =H /2


  UpperLeftX   =  20
  UpperLeftY   =  20
  WindowWidth  = 800
  WindowHeight = 540
  button #w,       "Quit?", [quit], LR, 50,  30
  texteditor #w.t,  20, 20, 760, 400

  open "PI Calculator output window" for window as #w

  print #w.t, "!font courier_new 11 bold"
  print #w, "trapclose [quit]"

  FOR N =1 TO term
     X             =2 *N -1

     carry         =0
     FOR I =1 TO B
       term( I)     =term( I) *X +carry
       carry        =int( term( I) / H)
       term( I)     =term( I) -carry *H
     NEXT I

     carry =0
     FOR I =1 TO B
       term( I)     =term( I) *X +carry
       carry        =int( term( I) / H)
       term( I)     =term( I) -carry *H
     NEXT I

     X             =8 *N
     carry         =0
     FOR I =B TO 1 STEP -1
       Z            =term( I) +carry
       quotient     =INT( Z /X)
       term( I)     =quotient
       carry        =H *( Z -quotient *X)
     NEXT I

     X             =2 *N +1
     carry         =0
     FOR I =B TO 1 STEP -1
       Z            =term( I) +carry
       quotient     =INT( Z /X)
       term( I)     =quotient
       carry        =H *( Z -quotient *X)
     NEXT I

     carry =0
     FOR I =1 TO B
       product( I)  =product( I) +term( I) +carry
       carry        =0
       IF product( I) >=H THEN
         product( I) =product( I) -H
         carry       =1
         carry       =0
       END IF
     NEXT I

     carry         =0

     for jf =1 to B
       quotient( jf)    =product( jf)
     next jf

     FOR I =1 TO B
       quotient( I) =quotient( I) *6 +carry
       carry        =int( quotient( I) / H)
       quotient( I) =quotient( I) -carry *H
     NEXT I

     op$ =str$( quotient( B))+ "." +chr$(10)

     cr =0
     FOR I =B -1 TO 1 STEP -1
       cr =cr+1
       op$ =op$ +RIGHT$( STR$( quotient( I) +10 *H), blocklength)
       if cr>=16 then
           cr =0
           op$ =op$ +chr$(10)
       end if
     NEXT I
     #w.t, "!cls";
     #w.t op$


   notice "Calculation may have been interrupted!" + chr$(13) + "Result in clipboard may be incomplete!"
   #w.t, "!selectall";
   #w.t, "!copy";
   close #w

DiscoLitez- sequens

The tkn and executable for the DiscoLitez was compiled in earlier LB.
Souce code follows. If you have LB 4 you can recreate the token and executable. The original downloads hold the two bmp files, but their exe and tkn files will fail on LB4.

    'Disco5g1.bas     johnf     27 11 2002

    'Used to create sequences of coloured lights via parallel port
    'The screen mimics the mains-powered bulbs allowing off-line testing
    'Try it for discos, party lights, Halloween, Guy Fawkes- or to impress!

    'PS Makes a great traffic light simulator too. Two sets for crossing roads.
    'In UK we have a different sequence to that in the US! (NO filter-on-red)

    'Que aproveche! Muchas gracias, Carl, por Liberty BASIC. Sobresaliente!

    'Assumes this port is on &H378 (the usual address) or &H3BC or &H278

    'By using data commands it is very easy to plan a sequence


    WindowWidth     = 560
    WindowHeight    = 340
    UpperLeftX      =  32
    UpperLeftY      =  32

    options$( 0)    = "&H278"
    options$( 1)    = "&H378"
    options$( 2)    = "&H3BC"

    port$           = "&H3BC"

    finished        =  0
    pace            =  2

    dim state$( 10)
    for i =1 to 8
        state$( i) ="darkblue"
    next i

    UDS.SETBUDDYINT = hexdec(  "2")
    UDS.ARROWKEYS   = hexdec( "20")
    UDS.ALIGNRIGHT  = hexdec(  "4")

    loadbmp "mouse",   "mouse.bmp"
    loadbmp "pointer", "pointer.bmp"

    calldll #comctl32, "InitCommonControls", re as void

    combobox   #w.c, options$(), [selectionMade], 470, 25,  70,  80
    graphicbox #w.box1,      20,  20, 440,  80
    graphicbox #w.box2,     480, 230,  40,  40
    textbox    #w.t,        020, 120, 440,  40
    textbox    #w.t2,       020, 170, 440,  30
    textbox    #w.t3,       020, 210, 440,  24
    textbox    #w.t4,       470,  80,  70,  30
    textbox    #w.t5,       470,  50,  70,  24

    'texteditor #w.t6,                           550,  10, 120, 500' ASCII output display

    textbox    #w.t6b,                          466, 170,  60,  30' spinner

    textbox    #w.t7,                           020, 250, 440,  30

    button     #w.b7, "Mouse",  [point] ,         UL, 470, 212,  54,  20
    button     #w.b8, "Quit",   [out_of_here] ,   UL, 470, 280,  64,  24

    open "Parallel Port driver   Disco 5g1" for window_nf as #w

    hwndParent = hwnd( #w)
    hText6b    = hwnd( #w.t6b)

    CallDLL #user32, "GetWindowLongA", hwndParent As long, _GWL_HINSTANCE As long, hInstance As long


    calldll #comctl32,"CreateUpDownControl",dwStyle as ulong,0 as long,0 as long,0 as long,0 as long,_
    hwndParent as long,1 as long,hInstance as long,hText6b as long,_
    10 as long,1 as long,4 as long,hSpinner as long

    #w      "trapclose [out_of_here]"

    #w.t    "!font arial_bold 18"
    #w.t    "      Parallel port pattern driver"

    #w.t2   "!font arial 8"
    #w.t2   " Sequence and timing set in data statements. Edit rate via spinner control."

    #w.t3   "!font arial 8"
    #w.t3   " 'Mouse' gives left-mouse-button control via square's top/bottom. End by clicking rh cyan."

    #w.t4   "!font arial 10"
    #w.t5   "!font arial 7"
    '#w.t6   "!font courier_new 10"
    #w.t6b  "!font courier_new 14"

    #w.t7   "!font arial 8"
    #w.t7   " If lights attached to the printer port aren't controlled, try a diff. port address"

    #w.c    "!font arial 8"

    #w.box1 "goto 400 10"
    #w.box1 "down"
    #w.box1 "fill black"

    #w.t5   "Port address"

    #w.t4   port$

    #w.c,   "select "; port$

    #w.box1 "when leftButtonDown [point]"
    #w.box1 "down ; backcolor cyan"
    #w.box1 "goto 420 0"
    #w.box1 "boxfilled 440 80"

    #w.box2 "drawbmp mouse 0 0"

    while finished <>1
        #w.c "select "; port$
        read op$, duration
        '#w.t6 op$
        #w.t6b "!contents? txt$"
        pace =val( txt$)
        if op$ ="end" then
            finished =1
        end if
        if op$ ="repeat" then
            '#w.t6 "!cls"
            print #w.box1, "discard"
        end if
        op  =binStringToDecimal( op$)
        out hexdec(  port$), op
        now =time$(  "milliseconds")
        while time$( "milliseconds") -now =420 then
         #w.box2 "drawbmp mouse 0 0"
         #w.b7, "Point"
         done =1
      end if
      if done =1 then [begin]
      #w.box2 "drawbmp pointer 0 0"
      #w.b7, "Mouse"
      for digit =0 to 7
        if x> (20 +digit*50) and x < (60 +digit*50) then
            if y >35 then
                op$ =left$( op$, digit) +"-" +right$( op$, 7-digit)
                op$ =left$( op$, digit) +"*" +right$( op$, 7-digit)
            end if
        end if
      next digit
      op  =binStringToDecimal( op$)
      out hexdec(  port$), op
    goto [point]

    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------
        close #w
        out hexdec( port$), 0
        unloadbmp "pointer"
        unloadbmp "mouse"

    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------
    function binStringToDecimal( in$)
        for i =8 to 1 step -1
            if mid$( in$, i, 1) <>"-" then
                j =j +2^(8 -i)
                #w.box1 "backcolor 255 "; str$(255 *i/8); " "; str$( 255 -255 *i/8)
                #w.box1 "goto "; str$( -30 +50 *i);     " 10"
                #w.box1 "boxfilled ";  str$( -30 +40 +50 *i); " 60"
                #w.box1 "backcolor darkblue"
                #w.box1 "goto "; str$( -30 +50 *i);     " 10"
                #w.box1 "boxfilled  "; str$( -30 +40 +50 *i); " 60"
            end if
        next i
    binStringToDecimal =j
    end function

    ' ---------------------------------------------------------------
    data "--------", 1000

'   running light
    data "-------*", 0400
    data "------*-", 0400
    data "-----*--", 0400
    data "----*---", 0400
    data "---*----", 0400
    data "--*-----", 0400
    data "-*------", 0400
    data "*-------", 0400

    data "--------", 1000

'   alternate
    data "*-*-*-*-", 0400
    data "-*-*-*-*", 0400
    data "*-*-*-*-", 0400
    data "-*-*-*-*", 0400
    data "*-*-*-*-", 0400
    data "-*-*-*-*", 0400
    data "*-*-*-*-", 0400
    data "-*-*-*-*", 0400

    data "--------", 1000

'   different alternator
    data "----****", 0400
    data "****----", 0400
    data "-----***", 0400
    data "***-----", 0400
    data "------**", 0400
    data "**------", 0400
    data "------**", 0400
    data "*-------", 0400
    data "-------*", 0400
    data "**------", 0400
    data "------**", 0400
    data "***-----", 0400
    data "-----***", 0400
    data "****----", 0400
    data "----****", 0400

    data "--------", 1000

'   build & decay
    data "*-------", 0200
    data "**------", 0200
    data "***-----", 0200
    data "****----", 0200
    data "*****---", 0200
    data "******--", 0200
    data "*******-", 0200
    data "********", 0200
    data "-*******", 0200
    data "--******", 0200
    data "---*****", 0200
    data "----****", 0200
    data "-----***", 0200
    data "------**", 0200
    data "-------*", 0200
    data "--------", 0200

    data "--------", 1000

'   knightrider
    data "*-------", 0200
    data "-*------", 0200
    data "--*-----", 0200
    data "---*----", 0200
    data "----*---", 0200
    data "-----*--", 0200
    data "------*-", 0200
    data "-------*", 0200
    data "------*-", 0200
    data "-----*--", 0200
    data "----*---", 0200
    data "---*----", 0200
    data "--*-----", 0200
    data "-*------", 0200
    data "*-------", 0200
    data "-*------", 0200
    data "--*-----", 0200
    data "---*----", 0200
    data "----*---", 0200
    data "-----*--", 0200
    data "------*-", 0200
    data "-------*", 0200
    data "------*-", 0200
    data "-----*--", 0200
    data "----*---", 0200
    data "---*----", 0200
    data "--*-----", 0200
    data "-*------", 0200
    data "*-------", 0200

    data "--------", 1000

'   fork
    data "*------*", 0300
    data "-*----*-", 0300
    data "--*--*--", 0300
    data "---**---", 0300
    data "--*--*--", 0300
    data "-*----*-", 0300
    data "*------*", 0300
    data "-*----*-", 0300
    data "--*--*--", 0300
    data "---**---", 0300
    data "--*--*--", 0300
    data "-*----*-", 0300
    data "*------*", 0300
    data "-*----*-", 0100
    data "--*--*--", 0100
    data "---**---", 0100
    data "--*--*--", 0100
    data "-*----*-", 0100
    data "*------*", 0100
    data "-*----*-", 0100
    data "--*--*--", 0100
    data "---**---", 0100
    data "--*--*--", 0100
    data "-*----*-", 0100
    data "*------*", 0100

    data "--------", 1000

    data "*------*", 0300
    data "-*----*-", 0100
    data "--*--*--", 0100
    data "---**---", 0100
    data "*------*", 0100
    data "-*----*-", 0100
    data "--*--*--", 0100
    data "---**---", 0100
    data "*------*", 0300
    data "-*----*-", 0100
    data "--*--*--", 0100
    data "---**---", 0100
    data "*------*", 0100
    data "-*----*-", 0100
    data "--*--*--", 0100
    data "---**---", 0100

    data "--------", 1000

    data "*--*-*--", 0300
    data "-*----*-", 0100
    data "*-*--*--", 0100
    data "-*-**--*", 0100
    data "**--*--*", 0100
    data "-*--*-*-", 0100
    data "-***-*-*", 0100
    data "-*-**-*-", 0100
    data "*-*--***", 0300
    data "-**-**-*", 0100
    data "--**-*--", 0100
    data "-*-**-*-", 0100
    data "*--*-***", 0100
    data "-*-*-*-*", 0100
    data "-**-**-*", 0100
    data "*-**-**-", 0100

    data "--------", 1000

    data "repeat",      0

    'data "end",         0

tenochtitlanuk ------- JohnF ------ April 2010 ------