Programmatic download of weather images

Download daily meteo chart.

This code fetches the day's chart from the Met Office in the UK
'Download html and image from given URL to file on disk.

'LB NL 141?? & Alyce's Restaurant


result = DownloadToFile( "", "SynChart"; date$( "days"); ".jpg")
timer 2000, [on]
timer 0
if result <> 0 then
    print "Error downloading image."
    'run "mspaint.exe " + chr$(34) + "SynChart"; date$( "days"); ".jpg" + chr$(34)
    print : print : print "Done"
end if


Function DownloadToFile( urlfile$, localfile$)
    open "URLmon" for dll as #url
    calldll #url, "URLDownloadToFileA",_
    0 as long,_         'null
    urlfile$ as ptr,_   'url to download
    localfile$ as ptr,_ 'save file name
    0 as long,_         'reserved, must be 0
    0 as long,_         'callback address, can be 0
    DownloadToFile as ulong  '0=success
    close #url
end function

Sea surface temperatures

Downloaded from SSEC in the US.
'Download html and image from given URL to file on disk.

print "SstChart"; date$( "days"); ".gif"
result = DownloadToFile( "", "SstChart"; str$( date$( "days")); ".gif")
timer 2000, [on]
timer 0
if result <> 0 then
    print "Error downloading image."
    'print "mspaint.exe SstChart"; str$( date$("days")); ".gif"
    run "mspaint.exe SstChart"; str$( date$("days")); ".gif"
    print : print : print "Done"
end if


Function DownloadToFile( urlfile$, localfile$)
    open "URLmon" for dll as #url
    calldll #url, "URLDownloadToFileA",_
    0 as long,_         'null
    urlfile$ as ptr,_   'url to download
    localfile$ as ptr,_ 'save file name
    0 as long,_         'reserved, must be 0
    0 as long,_         'callback address, can be 0
    DownloadToFile as ulong  '0=success
    close #url
end function